CAMLab Cave, Lower Level, 485 Broadway, Sackler Building, Harvard University
Public Preview: September 3 (Tuesday), 2024: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Culture Week Open Hours: September 4 (Wednesday) – September 8 (Sunday), 2024: 2:00 – 6:00 PM
CAMLab Cave
Lower Level, 485 Broadway, Sackler Building, Harvard University
Public Preview:
September 3 (Tuesday), 2024: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Culture Week Open Hours:
September 4 (Wednesday) – September 8 (Sunday), 2024: 2:00 – 6:00 PM
Open to the public and free for walk-ins
Harvard FAS CAMLab and the Dunhuang Academy proudly present a cutting-edge exhibition at CAMLab Cave, combining digital innovation and immersive design to bring the awe-inspiring art of Dunhuang into a modern academic setting.
The exhibition features:
Shadow Cave: An immersive experience that transports the audience into the imaginative universe behind Dunhuang Cave 254.
Cave 285 VR Experience: A virtual reality journey that brings this historic cave to life in stunning detail.
Cave Dance: A groundbreaking installation utilizing machine learning to animate the Buddhist dances depicted in Dunhuang’s murals.
Digital Library Cave: An interactive online platform that offers a deep dive into the history of Cave 17, traces back to the time, how those rich collections of scriptures and manuscripts were stored, sealed, and rediscovered.
Join us as we blend ancient art with modern technology to explore one of the world’s greatest artistic treasures.
CAMLab Cave, Lower Level, 485 Broadway, Sackler Building, Harvard University
Public Preview: September 3 (Tuesday), 2024: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Culture Week Open Hours: September 4 (Wednesday) – September 8 (Sunday), 2024: 2:00 – 6:00 PM