Sep 3 Tuesday 8:00 pm -9:00 pm EST
CAMLab Cave and HAA Auditorium, Lower Level, 485 Broadway, Sackler Building, Harvard University
1 敦煌舞谱 Decoding the Dunhuang Dance Manuscript
2 盛唐伎乐 Music of the High Tang
3 龟兹舞曲 Dance of Kucha
4 波斯遗音 Echoes of Persia
5 沙漠绿洲 Oasis in the Desert
6 敦煌新语 New Voices of Dunhuang
Prof. WENG Hui
Mal Barsamian (Oud)
Alan Toda-Ambaras (Cello)
Amber Sang (Pipa)
Heiraza (Vocal)
Matthew Davidson
Fabio Pirozzolo (Percussion/ Drummer)
Sep 3 Tuesday 8:00 – 9:00 PM ET
Embark on a mesmerizing journey along the Silk Roads with “Resonance of the Silk Road.” This concert seamlessly weaves together ancient traditions, contemporary compositions, and interactive digital art to create a multi-sensory experience inspired by the art and culture of Dunhuang.
Each section of the program draws on the rich musical heritage of the Silks Roads, evoking the vibrancy and diversity of the cultures and people that still converge along these historic trade routes. From the complex dance notations discovered in the Dunhuang Library Cave to the melodies of Kucha, the evening’s performances return us to a time when storytelling, art, and music connected cultures across borders.
We invite you to explore the dynamic cultural intersections that once flourished along the Silk Road through this unique fusion of traditional music, digital imagery, and cutting-edge technology.
The event is open to the public and free of charge.
Sep 3 Tuesday 8:00 pm -9:00 pm EST
CAMLab Cave and HAA Auditorium, Lower Level, 485 Broadway, Sackler Building, Harvard University
1 敦煌舞谱 Decoding the Dunhuang Dance Manuscript
2 盛唐伎乐 Music of the High Tang
3 龟兹舞曲 Dance of Kucha
4 波斯遗音 Echoes of Persia
5 沙漠绿洲 Oasis in the Desert
6 敦煌新语 New Voices of Dunhuang
Prof. WENG Hui
Mal Barsamian (Oud)
Alan Toda-Ambaras (Cello)
Amber Sang (Pipa)
Heiraza (Vocal)
Matthew Davidson
Fabio Pirozzolo (Percussion/ Drummer)