Harvard FAS CAMLab is devoted to supporting an internship program each year according to project capacity. CAMLab invites each cohort to explore the host of active projects and identify matches based on their interests and specialties. Applications for the Internship Program of 2024 are now closed.

Internship Program

Harvard FAS CAMLab provides internship opportunities for talented students to join the lab’s innovative and interdisciplinary projects that bring together humanistic research and cutting-edge media technologies.

The 2024 internship program adopts a hybrid mode with flexible start and end dates. However, at least 8 weeks of involvement is preferred. As we will offer in-person workshops, lectures, and courses on campus at Harvard and also arrange field trips to local arts and cultural institutions in the Greater Boston areas, we believe that students who can participate onsite during the course of the internship will receive the most value out of the experience and are therefore preferred.

What We Offer:

The program is unpaid; however, CAMLab provides stipends and can assist in earning college credits contingent upon the applicant’s request and verification of the school’s policy. It is imperative that the intern possesses the necessary authorization to legally engage in the internship and receive the stipend, as CAMLab does not offer visa sponsorships. Upon requests, CAMLab can aid in furnishing the requisite documents for practical training programs such as OPT and CPT.


Who Should Apply:

We encourage undergraduate students from all disciplines to our internship program and welcome interested graduate and advanced high school students to apply.


Application Process:

We use a rolling admissions process for admissions decisions. We strongly recommend applicants submit the required materials as soon as possible for consideration (at least one month before their intended start date.)

To apply for the internship, please submit the following materials to internship@harvardcamlab.com, using “2024 Internship+Position+Your Full Name” as the email subject:

  • Resume/CV (indicating relevant skills and experience including academic work)
  • Cover letter (500 words or less) including applying incentive, learning objectives, expected contribution, preferred areas and teams, and expected duration (8 weeks+ is preferred)
  • Research Position: Writing Sample
  • Design Position: Personal website or Portfolio (less than 25mb)


As a CAMLab intern, you will have the opportunity to participate in CAMLab projects under the supervision of core team members in one or more of the following areas: Research, Design, Development, Marketing, and Education.

To obtain detailed descriptions of the internship areas and their requirements, please refer to the program brochure.

Please note that due to the high volume of applications and interest, we are unable to reply to every applicant or offer feedback on the application status. Only a selected number of shortlisted applicants will be contacted via email to conduct an online interview.

Click on the link below to download the program brochure:

CAMLab Internship Program 2024 | Brochure

Should you have any questions regarding the CAMLab Internship Program, please don’t hesitate to contact us: internship@harvardcamlab.com