August 14-16, 2021, 9:00 AM EST
Harvard FAS CAMLab
Glorisun Global Buddhist Network
University of British Columbia
Eugene Y. Wang
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art at Harvard University. A Guggenheim Fellow (2005), he is the art history editor of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism(2004). His extensive publications range from early Chinese art and archeology to modern and contemporary Chinese art and cinema. His book, Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China (2005), explores Buddhist worldmaking; it received the Sakamoto Nichijin Academic Award from Japan. His current research focuses on cognitive study of art and consciousness as well as biocentric art that integrates visual, biological, and ecological systems.
He is also the founding director of Harvard CAMLab that explores the nexus of cognition, aesthetics, and mindscape. The CAMLab projects he heads explores multimedia storyliving and immersive artistic-cum-spiritual experience, integrating humanistic research and sensorial media practice. CAMlab’s current projects include Digital Gandhara, a massive mapping of Buddhist sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Shadow Cave which probes the enduring cognitive model behind Asian Buddhist caves.
全球化网络和技术变革正在迅速地重塑更新着每个人的世界观,然而我们却仍能在佛教“世界营造”(Worldmaking)的传统中找到当今新兴的全球秩序与竞争性系统的前身与影子。佛教中“帝释珠网”(Indra’s Net)的概念已在某种程度上预示了21世纪如网状日益联结交织的世界现状。
随着时间的流逝,我们愈发意识到佛教传统中世界营造这一理念的前瞻性和重要性。以此为契机,哈佛大学中国艺术实验室诚邀各位加入我们,一起来参与国际佛教集中研究系列活动(International Intensive Program on Buddhism)中的“东亚佛教与世界营造”(East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking)主题研讨会。
第一及第二部分项目中将会呈现九名国际知名学者专家带来的专题讲座,其中哈佛大学中国艺术实验室创始人、主任汪悦进教授的讲座题为“佛教世界营造:中国案例”(Buddhist Worldmaking: Chinese Cases)。
第三天议程|第一个专题讨论「异派交汇、新界迭出(New Worlds Emerging from Religious Merging)」中担任主持人
August 14-16, 2021, 9:00 AM EST
Harvard FAS CAMLab
Glorisun Global Buddhist Network
University of British Columbia
Eugene Y. Wang
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art at Harvard University. A Guggenheim Fellow (2005), he is the art history editor of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism(2004). His extensive publications range from early Chinese art and archeology to modern and contemporary Chinese art and cinema. His book, Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China (2005), explores Buddhist worldmaking; it received the Sakamoto Nichijin Academic Award from Japan. His current research focuses on cognitive study of art and consciousness as well as biocentric art that integrates visual, biological, and ecological systems.
He is also the founding director of Harvard CAMLab that explores the nexus of cognition, aesthetics, and mindscape. The CAMLab projects he heads explores multimedia storyliving and immersive artistic-cum-spiritual experience, integrating humanistic research and sensorial media practice. CAMlab’s current projects include Digital Gandhara, a massive mapping of Buddhist sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Shadow Cave which probes the enduring cognitive model behind Asian Buddhist caves.