October 26-28, 2023
Lower Level, Auditorium,
485 Broadway, Cambridge,
MA 02138
Welcome to the CAMLab Double Feature film screenings!
When we mention “Double Feature”, it conveys a dual resonance.
Firstly, it signifies the showcase of double masters: a cinematic masterpiece and a master-led discussion by a Harvard scholar. As audiences savor a classic film, they are also invited to engage in conversations exploring the artistic and cultural essence behind the cinema.
Secondly, beyond the main feature, we offer a recommendation of another film matching the evening’s theme. This presents a unique opportunity for audiences to make comparative viewings under the same thematic umbrella while appreciating the artistic nuances and creativity from different directors, actors, and cultural contexts.
This first Double Feature series will be held from October 26th to 28th, 2023, from Thursday to Saturday evenings, at the Lower Level Auditorium, 485 Broadway, Cambridge. We welcome all movie and culture enthusiasts to join us and experience this twin cinematic delight!
Day 1: Crime and Punishment 罪与罚 OCT 26 (THU)
The Mission 枪火 1999, Hong Kong, Dir. Johnnie To, 84min.
7:00PM – 8:30PM
Roundtable Discussion
8:30PM – 9:00PM
Xiao Wu 小武 1997, Mainland China, Dir. Jia Zhangke, 108min.
9:00PM – 10:50PM
Day 2: Generations 代际 OCT27 (FRI)
Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女 1994, Taiwan/USA, Dir. Ang Lee, 124min.
7:00PM – 9:15PM
Roundtable Discussion
9:15PM – 9:40PM
Shoplifters 小偷家族 2018, Japan, Dir. Hirokazu Koreeda, 121min.
9:40PM – 11:40PM
Day 3: Daydreaming 白日梦 OCT28 (SAT)
Diamond Sutra 金刚经 2012, Mainland China, Dir. Bi Gan, 22min.
7:00PM – 7:30PM
Long Day’s Journey into Night 地球最后的夜晚 2018, Mainland China, Dir. Bi Gan, 138min.
7:30PM – 9:50PM
Roundtable Discussion (featuring Prof. Eugene Wang)
9:50PM – 10:10PM
Proceeds directly support CAMLab’s future research and projects.
October 26-28, 2023
Lower Level, Auditorium,
485 Broadway, Cambridge,
MA 02138